The menace of the outbreak of the COVID 19 Corona Virus Pandemic continues unabated, even almost a year when the first case was reported, in China. It has been a great health hazard indeed, infecting many and also claiming lives. It has brought in sea changes in our regular lives. Social distancing has now become the new normal along with the use of masks and sanitizers. Work from Home and online schooling seems to be here now even, in the times ahead. It has seriously damaged the economy in many ways, casting its doom on many sectors. The result has been many people have lost their jobs, undergone pay cuts, many conventional businesses have been compelled to close down. All of these are combining to take its toll on our physical health, as well as our mental health.

Elderly undergoing great mental health due to pandemic

Most of us are restricted to the confinements of our homes, as a result, people from all age groups, whether it is the adult age group, young children, or even the elderly. However, amongst the different age groups, when it comes to the elderly, we are to take extra care. The reason is that studies claim that senior citizens are more likely to fall prey to the deadly virus. Thus in all likelihood, they are the ones where maximum care needs to be taken. They need to stay at home, all the time to safeguard their health.
Therefore amongst the many age groups, they too may be going through many mental challenges. Thus as a son or daughter, you need to be extra careful not only about their physical health but also of their mental health too. Here are some simple things that you could do:

How to take care of the elderly at home?

With many of us now getting busy in our day to day lives, we may be very engaged. We may have little time for the elderly at our home. So they might be feeling a bit isolated and left out. Unlike the young generation which, can stay engaged on the online social media platforms, the elders might have had to do away with their usual morning or evening walks, where they could meet their friends. It might make them feel sad. As a son or daughter, you need to recognize this concern and thus spend some quality time with them. It is important that they feel that they are loved and cared for. It will keep them engaged at least for some time and contribute towards their mental well being as well.

Getting them involved in recreational activities

Now since they are fully restricted to their homes and cannot step out, the elders might feel very bored and disgusted. Thus you need to think a bit creatively and look for ways and means to keep them engaged. You could encourage them to take the evening or morning walks on your terrace if that is safe. Being in the external environment amidst fresh air would also boost their physical health and mental well-being. Apart from this, you could encourage them to play certain indoor games too. These could include board games like Chess. If they love music, they could listen to beautiful music. If they had a hobby like playing any musical instrument, you could encourage them to re-brush the same and stay creatively engaged.
Once this is done, you can ensure that all the negative thoughts and emotions like fear are cut down, and they would feel much better mentally. 

Adopting an Exercise Regime

Staying physically active contributes towards better mental health. It is in line with this that you could ask your elderly mother or father to adapt to any healthy exercise regime, which involves little physical stress like Yoga and so on. Once they do this, they could set to a daily routine which, would help them keep better mental health.

Insulating them from negatives

These are times when there is a lot of negative news on Television and media. Staying engaged in them over long periods can completely spoil their mental health. Thus make they stay away from negative news. Instead, they could listen to music that will help them stay calm and healthy.

Consult a Psychiatrist when needed

It is possible that despite your best efforts, the situation regarding the mental health of the elders at home, has gone out of control, or you observe some peculiar behavior. In such instances, without any delay, you need to consult a mental expert. If you stay in Kolkata Moner Alo has the best Psychiatrist in Kolkata. They offer the best Psychiatrist treatment in Kolkata, which would take the best care of your elders whenever needed.

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