Out of the many mental problems that are there, mental depression is one of the foremost and common problems which are faced by many. Now with the ongoing COVID19 Corona Virus pandemic, it has become even a bigger problem. Depression has many adverse effects. It drains you of your energy, and hope and also makes it difficult to take simple steps that could help you to prevent the same. It may so exhaust you that simple things that might make you feel much better like exercising, spending some quality time with friends and near ones may seem an uphill task.
It is often a catch 22 situation of recovery from depression. The very things that are likely to help you the most might be the most difficult thing to do. However, you need to act. The reason is that unless you consciously act the situation in all likelihood would get out of hand. Thus it may be even a bigger problem. We at Moner Alo, being one of the best psychiatrist centers in Kolkata offer one of the best psychiatrist treatment in Kolkata. We have always worked towards offering ways and means for the better mental health of all. The following are some practical tips that would help you fight depression, in case you happen to suffer from the same:

Reach out and Stay Connected

We know that these are times when with the outbreak of the COVID 19 Corona Virus Pandemic, social distancing has become the new normal. However, if you find that you feel you are down and depressed, it is time that you stay connected with your close and dear ones. Getting support from close quarters plays a vital role in overcoming depression. You need to open out to them. Express to them how you feel. If they are unable to be with you physically reach out to them over the phone or on social media. We are sure that they would make you feel better. Making one feel that he is she is loved and cared for indeed helps to boost mental condition.

Do the things that make you feel good

When you feel down just try and remember what the things that bring you joy and happiness are. For Example, if you loved playing any musical instrument when you were young try to do the same. Or in case you had some hobby like gardening or something like that, you need to make sure that you do just that. Initially, you may not feel like doing it but force yourself and once you can overcome the initial resistance we are certain that you would feel much better.

Try and Get Moving

When one is depressed just getting out of bed might seem like an uphill task. Forget Exercising or workouts. However, at the same time, you need to realize that staying active and especially working out could by itself be a great fighter against depression. It is indeed an important tool for your recovery against depression. Thus, if you are feeling depressed you need to somehow convince yourself that you need to get out of bed and start working out. It need not be some heavy workout. Just a few minutes of free-hand workout in itself can often be a great energy booster for you when you are feeling mentally a bit down.

You need to healthy

Believe us!! The right diet too can help you fight depression. First and foremost you must never skip or miss meals. You need to cut down on your consumption of alcohol or caffeine if that is what you have a lot. You should replace them with the intake of a balanced diet. Your food must contain all the essential nutrients like the micro as well as the macronutrients. Everything put together can help you stay mentally alert and healthy.

Challenge Negative Thinking

Do you at times, feel completely weak and powerless? Do you at times, feel that the situation is hopeless. You need to take note that depression puts a negative on everything which, includes your entire thought process. You should be conscious of what you are thinking. In other words, have a mental filter. Never entertain negative thoughts in your mind. Pretend that you are all-powerful and nothing can tone you down. You will instantly feel much stronger.

Get Professional Help if required.

We are sure that by following the above-mentioned tips, you would feel much better and easily be able to overcome your mental depression. However, despite all these steps, if you continue to feel mentally depressed and completely frustrated, you should seek professional help. In such situations, always consult a reliable psychiatrist and have this problem treated without any delay.

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