These are incredibly challenging times for all. The outbreak of the second wave of the COVID19 Corona Virus Pandemic continues to cause havoc across all sectors. It has been a significant health hazard claiming the lives of many. Apart from that, many people have lost their jobs and primary source of livelihood. They are under increased stress. As the lockdowns and social distancing norms continue, the mental turmoil affects not just the adults but also the young children. For them, too, it has been a nightmare. They are restricted to their homes. Online schooling is here to stay, which means they hardly have an opportunity to meet their friends and schoolmates. Not only is it taking its toll on their physical health but also the child’s mental health is affected as well. In case you have a young child at home, it is time that you took good care of both child’s physical health and the Child’s Mental Health. 

The World Health Organization, too, based on current studies, is quite concerned about children’s mental health conditions due to the current ongoing pandemic. It has suggested some essential tips in a recent health article. They have offered the following information for the upkeep of a Child’s Mental Health:

Staying informed rightly

When it comes to health issues, it is best not to trust any ongoing rumors. Instead, it would help if you stayed informed rightly. You can do the same by tuning in with reliable TV Channels, internet sources that would provide you with the correct information, and no false rumors which quickly cause unwarranted panic. The track should be kept on the social media posts from WHO and other reliable agencies. You shouldn’t just trust anyone or just anything that might be going on the internet.

Maintain a Healthy Routine 

Whether it is for young children or adults, now is the time when everyone needs to maintain a proper and healthy routine. In it, you must include everything for activities, healthy eating at the correct times, exercising regularly, getting engaged in Yoga or meditating for the mind, and proper resting. It is what would enable you to maintain good health, both physical and mental, not only for yourself but for your young children as well.

Minimizing the Screen Time 

It is what is adding the screen time. There is online schooling for children, and for many adults, work from home has become predominant in most homes. Apart from these, children and even adults are using internet devices for entertainment and socializing. The result is that excessive screen time is hampering both adult’s and children’s mental and physical health. Because of this, you need to keep close monitoring and check for both yourself and your children. It should be ensured that this excessive screen time is cut down upon. They could be replaced by certain positive habits like listening to music, playing musical instruments, etc to ensure better health. 

Cut down on excessive news fees.

Many information in the news is at times negative. By going through the same regularly would only make you feel negative and hopeless. So, it is good to stay informed, but following every small thing that may be happening may not be necessary. It can cause excessive stress. You need to cut down on your news feed to stay positive and productive at all times.  

Computer Gaming

One of the great addictions for children in the modern age is excessive indulgence in modern gaming apps. Many of them stay glued for hours without any break. It is indeed very detrimental to their health. Parents should try to prevent it at all costs. Instead of this, please encourage them to engage in some other indoor games like board games like chess and so on.  Playing in outdoor games may not be possible, which is why other indoor games may be the only viable option that you may have for your children.

Consult an expert psychiatrist when necessary

Though you may try your best to take good care of your child, there may be times when the help of a psychiatrist is necessary. In such instances, without any further delay, you should consult a reliable psychiatrist. If you are based in Kolkata, Moner Alo offers the best psychiatrist treatment in Kolkata.
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To conclude, we can say that these are indeed challenging times, and you should keep a close watch on your child’s mental health if you are a parent. We hope that the tips suggested here enable you to upkeep your child’s mental health.

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