The year 2020 has been a particularly tough one for all. The outbreak of the COVID19 Corona Virus pandemic has been very damaging not only as a health hazard but brought also brought in various economic challenges. Many people have lost jobs and o0ld businesses have been forced to close down. All these have struck fear in the minds of those who have been affected putting, immense stress on their mental state. As we welcome the New Year, let’s hope and pray that all the pangs of the past year are finally over and we are headed for happier times. If you have been going through depression let us resolve to overcome it and stay happy in the New Year. The following are some effective measures that would help your cause:

Shift your Things towards the Positives

It is seen that in most cases of depression people seem to be drawn and dwell on the thoughts, emotions, and memories that are very negative and depressing. It is because of the hyper-focusing on these negative thoughts and emotions that in turn caused the feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness to set in. 

Thus the first and foremost strategy to try and implement is to get into the habit of focusing on the positive things of life in the New Year. It does not mean that the negatives in life would stop happening. Even if they happen you need to make a conscious effort to focus only on the happy memories that have occurred on would happen in the future. So you need to consciously monitor the flow of your thoughts. Once that has been identified you must thereafter consciously choose only the positive ones to think about.

Challenge your Scripts in the New Year

People who suffer from depression often can be heard saying that “ I am stupid”, ” I can never do anything right”, ” I am a complete failure” and so on. These become mental scripts that run the mind and it becomes a vicious cycle. You need to have a mental filter and observe these speech patterns. To fight out your depression in the New Year you must resolve never to repeat any of these speech patterns. Instead of speaking out these negative statements, you need to replace them with the most positive ones. First of all, identify the good qualities that you have. Do the self-introspection and find out what are the good qualities that you have. Thereafter write them down with a pen and paper. Thereafter write them in statement form and affirm them feeling as if they are completely true. Gradually over time, you would find that your mental thinking will change and you will be happier in the New Year.

Get Engaged in Self-care

To stay in a positive frame of mind it is a good idea to keep yourself, engaged in productive things. You need to take care of your diet and exercise. Once you are engaged and you find that you are productive you will feel good about yourself. You will find that you are in a positive frame of work. Thus, all in all, you would be a happier person and would be able to fight out depression, You would find less time to get involved in negative thinking. 

Try and Get Enough Sleep

It is seen that often the culprit for our poor physical and mental health is lack of adequate sleep and rest. It is because of this you must ensure that you get adequate amounts of sleep and rest every day. With adequate amounts of sleep, you would find that you are having more energy to do different types of activities that would keep you stay positively engaged.

Make New Plans

Instead of sitting home, doing nothing, you would only dwell on negative thoughts and experiences. Thus to prevent the same you must always keep doing new things. You need to mentally always plan and do new things that would give you keep you productive and create happy experiences.

During such times it is always better not to stay alone. Try and seek help and the company of people who love and support you. They would help you to stay happy. So try and seek their company.

Know When to Seek Professional Help

Last but not the least, in case you are feeling low and down and the same, is persisting over some time, you must seek professional help. If you are based in Kolkata and you are suffering from depression or other mental health challenges then Moner Alo is the best place mental health clinic for you that has the best Psychiatrist in Kolkata. It is where you can avail Best Psychiatrist treatment in Kolkata.

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