These are stressful times. The outbreak of the COVID19 Corona Virus Pandemic has been a great health hazard for most countries across the globe. However, the economic damage that it has caused is immense as well. Thus it is possible that you too may be going through the most challenging times. Thankfully with the vaccination things, will improve from here on. Excessive and continuous stress can be very harmful to your physical health as well. It is because of this that you need to have your stress well managed. There are many ways to deal with the stress of course. The latest research that smiling is can be very beneficial to deal with stress. Researchers claim that smiling can in many ways help improve not only your physical health but also your benefit you physiologically too. 

The many benefits that Smiling can bring to your overall health

Science has shown that the mere act of smiling can lift your mood, lower stress, boost you, and could even prolong your life.

Why Smiling helps you psychologically?

Experts in the field believe that a smile spurs a chemical reaction in the brain which in turn helps to release certain hormones which include dopamine and serotonin. You need to note that Dopamine is a hormone that increases the feelings of our happiness. On the other hand, Serotonin is another hormone that is associated with depression and aggression. 

Fake it till you make it

Putting it simple terms smiling can trick your brain into believing that you are happy. It, in turn, helps to generate the feeling that you are actually happy. The benefits of smiling, even if it is fake, do not end there. Research shows that depression weakens the immune system. On the other hand, happiness is shown to boost your body’s resistance. It is in line with this that experts claim that just the physical act of smiling is what can make a difference in building your overall health immunity. When you smile, the brain senses some muscle activity and assumes that the humor is actually happening. The brain does not bother to verify as to why you are smiling. For it, it does not matter whether you are genuinely happy or just pretending. 

Health experts claim that even a fake smile can actually reduce your stress and also help reduce your heart rate. 

Studies show that people who do not frown, as a result of botox injections are happier on average than those who usually frown. Thus there is indeed a direct connection between smiling with your mental health.

Smiling helps on a day to day basis.

Studies in the subject claim, that there are many living, breathing as well as smiling human beings who testify to the fact that looking for a part of happiness helps them throughout the day. Many people use this very effective method to supercharge their moods. Thus in case, you can do the same you too could reap the many benefits that smiling can you bring to you.

It is what you could effectively use to stay upbeat when you are going through a particularly long and stressful day. 

It is good for your profession too.

The next important benefits that you can reap by smiling are that it helps you to immediately with your clients too. It is what helps you generate positive communication in your professional relationship too. With a smile, the other person may immediately, connect with you. You would be able to work out more effectively with peers and colleagues and thus make the best of the opportunities available. 

Smiling goes viral quickly.

Smiling is something that is you can easily pass on. Experts say that much like yawning smiling is contagious too. Smiling is contagious not that only because it looks beautiful from the outside but also conveys your friendly intent to the one receiving it. Thus as a result he or she is likely to respond too and that too instantly. So you can get along well. To conclude we can say that smiling is very good health since it helps to reduce stress and also promotes overall health.

If you are based in Kolkata and looking for the best Psychiatrist in Kolkata, we at Moner Alo are the best in the field. We also offer the best Psychiatrist counseling in Kolkata.

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