We have heard about the word ‘depression’ at numerous instances. Sometimes, the word is quite flippantly used to refer to people who are actually sad. Being depressed or suffering from a depressive disorder is a medical condition that calls for psychological counselling for depression. Sadness, as opposed to this disorder, is something that happens to everybody in the course of life. A person who is feeling low and dejected for a long period, say 2 weeks at a stretch, is usually considered to be suffering from major depressive disorder.

There are many tell-tale signs of this mental condition. For starters, the affected person is likely to suffer from extreme temper tantrums. Such behaviour is generally unprovoked and can cause severe damage to the reputation of a person at the workplace or in education institutions. Families and friends tend to alienate such people because of their unexpected and violent bursts of temper. Extreme anger, followed by suicidal thoughts, is quite common among those suffering from major depressive disorder.

Major Depressive Disorder | Psychological Counseling | Kolkata | psychiatrist in Barasat

There are other symptoms to identify this problem. The concerned person may be generally withdrawn and hesitant to strike up communication. Social skills are underdeveloped and they are unable to even communicate on a superficial level, let alone make friends or engage people in conversation. They are likely to wander around aimlessly, moving here and there without any purpose as such. Dementia or delusion could be the cause of this behaviour.

There are several reasons why a person suffers from major depressive disorder. It can range from medical reasons like diabetes or any other chronic problem that is painful. Genetic reasons are not uncommon. During anxiety treatment in Kolkata, we have come across several cases where professional reasons pushed people towards feeling helpless and despondent. There is no scientific test to identify and diagnose the problem among people. At best, you can rule out of physiological reasons that are responsible, for example, harmonic imbalances or neurological conditions.

Medications are necessary for people who come under the ambit of major depressive disorder. Anti-psychotic drugs are useful, so are anti-depressants. The best psychiatrists in Kolkata can offer a medical solution to people who are suffering from this problem that is affecting their work and life. However, it is imperative that the treatment is not discontinued after a start. Continued medication can lead the person toward a normal, healthy life.

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