Are you suffering from mental depression? It is being seen that this is what is affecting many all across the world including India. The outbreak of the COVID 19 Corona Virus is what is creating mayhem all around the world. This is what is causing deaths all across the globe and it spreading rapidly. The fear of infection as well as the financial damage that it is causing is unprecedented. Going forward you need to take proper care not only of your physical health by building your immunity but also be on your guard with your mental health, Now that social distancing has become the new norm, your mental health may be quite vulnerable. So you need to take stock of the situation are assess whether you are continuously feeling anxious which could ultimately lead to mental depression

Initial symptoms of mental depression

When it comes to any problem you first need to identify it and thereafter find out a well-planned solution for the same. When it comes to depression you need to gauge how you feel mentally. Mental depression can cause various things. It could cause feelings of continuous sadness. It is also possible that you might be faced with a sudden loss of interest or pleasure in things that would generally enjoy or had enjoyed in the past. It is true that depression can happen to people of any age, but often than not it happens in the adulthood of most aged people.

The good news about the treatment of depression is that this is a mental health condition that is highly treatable. Some studies show that 80 to 90 % of people who suffer respond very well to treatments.

Treating Mental Depression

You need to note that mental depression can be treated in many ways. However, out of the many, it is seen that therapeutic processes are very effective indeed. These include steps that would involve finding out the right counselor or psychiatrist who would be able the patient understand the problems that are going through the mind of the patient and the main underlying the root cause of the depression. Once this has been properly identified and assessed the psychiatrist would design treatments and strategies to cope up and deal with the mental problems that are the problem. 

Counseling why an effective method to treat depression

Though treating mental depression can be done in many ways but it seems that Counseling sometimes referred to as “Tal Therapy” has been found out to be highly effective. In the opinion of most experts, these are found out to be the best in the case of mild to moderate cases of mental depression. However, in the case of some of the more complicated and advanced cases, the need for a combination of both counseling with medication may be deemed to be the most effective. The length and type of therapy required is determined on various factors like the duration of the problem and so on.

If you are based in Kolkata and looking for the best depression treatment in Kolkata then you need to note that “ Moner Alo” is one of the leaders in the field that has one of the best Psychiatrists in Kolkata. To know more please Contact us !!

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