Delusion or delusional disorder is a serious mental condition where a person cannot differentiate between reality and imagination. Persons suffering from delusional disorder strongly believe in something which has no connection with reality. Such people tend to experience delusions involving real life situations such as being followed or deceived or conspired against. People with delusional disorder do not always behave in a bizarre way. They can socialise with people and can appear extremely normal. However, at times they become so engrossed in their delusions that it begins to hamper theirs day to day life. Here are a few more facts about delusion:
1. Causes of Delusion
A number of factors can result in delusional disorder. This includes:
* Genetic Factor: Delusion is common in people having a family history of delusional disorder or schizophrenia.
* Biological Factors: Brain abnormalities might also result in delusional disorders. Abnormalities that hamper the way of perception and thinking can be linked to delusions.
* Environmental Factors: Alcohol, stress, drug abuse can also result in delusions. Also, people who tend to be isolated or with poor hearing and vision can also develop a delusional disorder.
2. Symptoms
Experiencing non-bizarre delusions are the most common symptom of a delusional disorder. Apart from that, if a person constantly experiences low or an irritable mood, the person might suffer from delusion. They also experience hallucinations. In case any of your loved ones exhibit such symptoms, immediately consult a psychiatrist. In case you are looking for the best psychiatrist in Kolkata, get in touch with us at
3. Types of Delusion
The different type of delusional disorder includes:
* Grandiose: In this, the patient has a heightened sense of worth, knowledge, and power.
* Erotomanic: In this, the patient believes that another person (mostly a famous or important one) is in love with him or her.
* Jealous: The patient believes that his/her partner is unfaithful.
* Somatic: The patient believes that he/she has a medical problem.
* Persecutory: the patient believes that they are being mistreated.
* Mixed: the patient might experience several types of delusion all at once.
We hope that these pointers will help you get an overall idea about delusional disorder. For any further queries on psychological issues and treatments, contact us at

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