The 21st of June is marked to celebrate “International Yoga Day”. These are times when we are moving through unprecedented times. We are now confronted with a multitude of stress factors beginning with the outbreak of the COVID19 Corona Virus pandemic has brought our regular normal life to a near standstill. We live in times when social distancing has become the norm. The number of people being affected is still rising rapidly. What is even worse how long this situation would continue is still uncertain. The launch of a full-scale vaccine that would be available in India seems a long time away. This was followed by the devastating “Amphan” Cyclone, which wreaked such havoc throughout West Bengal. Now the Indo- China tensions have escalated. All these are causing prolonged tension and depression in the minds of many.

All these are making many mentally sick and many are falling prey to depression. So it is high time that we take proper care of not only our physical health but also our mental health. Out of the many ways to the upkeep of our mental health, Yoga since ancient times in India has been considered to be a great way to calm our minds and keep our anxieties and worries at bay. Modern research now is only reinforcing this view. In a recent Harvard Medical Report this is what is being claimed as well. 

What does the report claim?

As per the report since the 1970s meditation and yoga have been studied as the possible treatments for depression and anxiety. This has become increasingly popular as a form of stress-reduction treatment in the past two decades. In fact, the report claims that more people are trying Yoga in the US. Yoga forms can vary in degree from the gentle more accommodating ones to more strenuous ones which are more physical in nature. This includes Hatha Yoga. The practice of Yoga in general comprises three main elements. These include the physical poses called “Asanas”, controlled breathing and mind relaxation exercises like meditation. These in conjunction help to calm and relax the mind from the many worries and anxieties it often goes through.

Natural Anxiety Relief

The study states that a wide range of yoga practices can reduce the impact of an exaggerated stress response. It may be found to be quite helpful to treat both anxieties as well as stress reduction. By reducing the perceived stress and anxiety yoga helps to modulate stress response systems and thus helps to alleviate the same. 

Benefits of Yoga

According to the report, many forms of Yoga are safe. Yet some forms may be strenuous and may not be appropriate for all especially “Hatha” Yoga, especially for people who suffer from mobility-related problems and those who are aged. But apart from them, meditation is one yogic practice which if done correctly as being recommended goes a long way to treat anxiety and depression

In conclusion, we can say that you need to stay mentally healthy now, so Yoga is what you could try out as well. In case you are based in Kolkata and looking for the best depression consultant in Kolkata or for Online counseling to treat the problem then Moner Alo is the best place for you. 

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