Suicidal thoughts and tendencies often stem from multiple causes. Most of the time, a person contemplates suicide when he or she cannot seem to cope with the overwhelming stressors. Depression is one of the most common conditions that drive a person to commit suicide. Such mental conditions often increase the risk of suicide.
A person who is thinking about suicide usually shows signs indicating trouble. To prevent suicide, it is essential to recognise these warning signs. Here are a few indicators that are usually displayed by a suicidal person:
1. The Physical Indicators
A person who is suicidal exhibits a number of physical changes. This includes:
* Changes in sleeping patterns- either they sleep too much or too little.
* Loss of interest in regards to maintaining personal hygiene or appearance.
* Changes in appetite- either the person loses his/her appetite or there is an increase in appetite.
* Loss of energy and weight gain or loss.
If you see any of these signs in your loved ones, get in touch with a good psychiatrist. If you are looking for psychiatric treatment in Kolkata, contact us at
2. Behavioural Indicators
Check for the behavioural cues to understand whether the person is thinking about suicide or not. This include:
* Withdrawal from friends and family
* Loss of interest in activities that the person considered important previously
* Alcohol or drug abuse
* Self-harming tendencies
* Giving away things or possessions that carry special significance to the person.
* Reckless behaviour. For instance, driving recklessly or being less careful while crossing roads during heavy traffic flow.
* Unexpected or sudden emotional outbursts.
3. Conversational Indicators
When a person is upset or is contemplating suicide, their conversational patterns changes. Look for the following things if you suspect that a person is thinking about suicide:
* Helplessness: the conversation of a person might show signs of helplessness. They might seem to feel trapped by a certain situation and say things like “it’s beyond my control” or “there is no one who can help me.”
* Lack of Belonging: The person talks about how he/she doesn’t fit in anywhere.
* Talking about Death: the person talks about death being the only solution to end all problems.
We hope that these points will help you identify the signs and symptoms of suicide.

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