After six years of relationship, Puja just got dumped by her abusive partner. While her friends are telling her that this is the best thing that happened to her, she seemed to not get over of it. She still wanted him back. Sounds similar? This is a scenario faced by some people where you are addicted to a person. You still want to be in that relationship even though it is emotionally draining. But how to overcome that? Let’s take a look:
Talk to a therapist
An abusive relationship leaves your self-esteem in shambles. You are emotionally and mentally drained and as a result, tend to lose focus. A counsellor or a psychotherapist can help you regain confidence and help you by providing valuable insights on healing your emotional wounds. Many tend to slip into depression and resort to drug abuse. In such cases, a counselling session with a psychotherapist can help you overcome such negative behaviours and bring positivity in your life. If you are looking for a good psychotherapist in Kolkata, get in touch with us at
Keep yourself busy
Involve yourself in activities that you find enjoyable and fulfilling. Be determined and take proactive steps. When you keep your mind engaged in meaningful activities that you love, you will find your thoughts drifting away from your former partner. This will help you cheer up and enjoy life as you did before your relationship.
You might take solace in the fact that there are friends who stand by you in your difficult time. So, nurture these relations and draw strength from the social support. Socialising with friends and spending time with them will help you understand that there is life beyond that abusive relationship.
Process your emotions
Getting over an abusive relationship is emotionally challenging. When you get out of it, you will feel lonely, isolated and depressed. Your self-worth will touch the ground. If you encounter any negatives emotions, do not suppress them. Accept your emotional outbursts and reactions and let them be out. You can cry or scream. You can also find other healthy ways to vent them out. For instance, join a gym or kickboxing classes. This will help you physically and mentally process your emotions.
Never forget to seek to counsel. This is essential for your recovery process. Trained psychotherapists can help you overcome your mental agony and move on with life. To get in touch with psychotherapists in Kolkata, contact

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