Binge eating is a serious mental condition that can be life-threatening as well. It is a complex condition which, if neglected, can result in a number of serious health conditions. Let’s take a look at the serious health issues caused by binge eating:
1. Obesity
This is the most common health problem caused by binge eating. When your calorie intake increases and you do not take active measure in burning those off, you gain weight. Moreover, when you indulge in binge eating, you also tend to feel bad about your weight. This can lead to low self-esteem and result in more overeating.
2. Heart Disease
If you are obese, your heart struggles to pump blood into your lungs and other parts of the body. Binge eating can result in accumulation of fat around your belly which in turn increases your chances of developing conditions such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure etc. All these conditions can leave you vulnerable to heart attack or stroke. The warning signs of heart ailments include shortness of breath, chest pain, sweating, rapid heartbeat etc.
3. Type 2 Diabetes
People suffering from binge eating tend to develop Type 2 diabetes. This is a condition that requires life-long treatment. In case you have already developed Type 2 diabetes, binge eating can only make it worse. The symptoms of Type 2 diabetes include fatigue, numbness or tingling sensation in hands or feet, extreme hunger or thirst, and frequent urge for urination.
4. Depression
Binge eating can also result in depression. People usually indulge in binge eating to boost their moods but this result in low self-esteem and a sense of guilt. As a result, people tend to binge more often. In case you find that you are eating too much even when you are not hungry, it might be a sign of binge eating disorder.
In case you find yourself or any of your loved one battling similar situation, immediately consult a psychologist. If you are looking for a good psychologist in Kolkata, then we can help you. Get in touch with us at and our expert psychologists will help you fight your mental disorders.

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