Yes, you work pretty hard and put yourself in the millstone every day to get higher on the professional ladder. But burning the candle at both ends ultimately drains it fast. Long hours at work left you blurry-eyed and exhausted at the end of the day. Sounds familiar? It’s because, to maintain sanity, you need to devote time to yourself. In other words, you need to find ways to achieve a good work-life balance. Here are 6 tips to help you:
1. Prioritise your tasks
Prioritising doesn’t mean only work related tasks. If you sincerely want to achieve a work-life balance, you must learn to prioritise things that you want to do. Start your day with jotting down everything that you want to achieve or do that day. From professional tasks (such as sending invoices and meeting clients) to personal goals (such as meeting friends for dinner or hit the gym), get your list ready.
2. Schedule your time
Prioritising your tasks is one thing and following it is another. No matter how much you feel tempted to push aside your personal matters for work, stick to it. Take every task (including personal ones) as a commitment.
3. Take out time for exercise
When your schedule is overloaded for the day, exercise is the first thing that drops out from the list. The weekly visit to the gym is quickly replaced with client meetings and presentations. However, keeping yourself active is also key to keep your mind healthy and active. Exercise is a great stress buster and improves your productivity.
4. Unplug yourself
We know that you are absolutely in love with technology and social media. But technology has its downsides as well. Being connected through technology means you are always available and you feel pressurised to respond to the e-mails you receive throughout. Or you might find yourself mindlessly scrolling through your Facebook timeline. Keep your phone and laptop aside and give your eyes and mind a break.
5. Accept your limitations
There are times when you find it impossible to take out time for yourself. It’s because you have burdened yourself with too many responsibilities elsewhere. Accept that you have limitations. It feels great to take on responsibilities and challenges at work, but you have your stress threshold. Take time to evaluate your workload and other commitments before saying yes to new responsibilities.
6. Leave your work in Office
Often, you tend to consider the weekends as your extended work days. Everyone needs time to unwind. Stop taking the off days as an opportunity to catch up; instead, shut yourself off from work and ensure that you have enough hours to relax at the end of the busy week.
As you get busy with the things around you, maintaining a balance between work and personal life becomes difficult. If you are still unable to handle the pressure and feeling depressed and stressed, consult a psychiatrist. If you are looking for good psychiatrists in Kolkata, contact us at

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