People usually have a misguided notion about the field of psychology. This is mostly due to the stereotypes associated with psychology and misinformation coming from popular media. Let’s take a look at the most widely held myths regarding psychology and see what this subject has to offer:
1.Talking to friends is equivalent to visiting a psychologist
If you are suffering from depression or feeling down, then sharing your thoughts with your friends can be helpful. However, it takes only an expert psychologist to understand the root cause of your problem. Psychologists use psychotherapy to recognise your behavioural or thought patterns and offer valuable remarks to help you understand your problem. In case you too are suffering from depression then consult a psychologist today. In case you are looking for a good psychologist in Kolkata,visit
2.People cannot recover from illness such as Schizophrenia

This is a completely wrong notion. If people suffering from schizophrenia receive proper treatment during the acute phase of the disorder, over 40% of the patients can recover or show no symptoms for about a year or more at a time. In some cases, people also show complete recovery.
3.One can get better if they have a positive attitude
It is good to have a positive attitude but you cannot solve a psychological issue without expert guidance. Undergoing psychotherapy or consulting a psychologist doesn’t mean that you have failed. Each mental problem comes with unique components that are difficult to heal without treatment. This is just like taking medicines for your physical ailments. To accept that you need help is the first step to recovery.
4.Psychologists just listen to you and offer suggestions.
No. They do not just listen to you. Rather, they gather relevant information about you and trace your background and psychological map while talking to you. They understand the history of your problem and tap on the hidden parts that even you overlooked.  They help you identify problems, set goals and monitor your progress.
5.Psychotherapy is a lifelong process
People respond to psychotherapy at a different pace. Some respond within weeks and some take months or years. Psychologist work towards facilitating fast recovery and help you function better.
Hopefully, these points have helped you identify the popular myths associated with psychology and psychotherapy.

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